Taranaki Chicken Sheds | iNFORCE

Taranaki Chicken Sheds


Airport Farms Project

Construction Firm: Wells Building

Concrete Plant: Allied Concrete

Location: Taranaki

Project Size: 8 x 3200m2 Units

Products used: Radforce – Structural synthetic

iNFORCE worked with Wells Building and Allied Ready-mix to design a fibre reinforced concrete slab for over 25,000m2 of chicken sheds. Not only did the addition of fibre reinforcement (to replace steel mesh) save enormous amounts of time, it also produced a stronger, more durable and crack free slab.

KForm construction joints were also used in the design to speed up and provide better construction joints in the floor slabs.

  • Placers pour footings reinforced with fibre concrete
  • A site in prepared to recieve loads of fibre concrete
  • Fibre concrete slurry is poured into place by workers
  • A steel building is erected over a fibre reinforced concrete foundation

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We understand that choosing the correct solution and type of product is essential for the success of any project. Inforce has a technical support team with many years of concrete industry experience and successful project applications and are ready to help you find the right solution for your application.

0800 463 672

Monday to Friday.

7am to 5pm.

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